Kamis, 07 April 2016

Dear, K

Dear, K...

There's nothing wrong in showing our true colors.
You've been hiding everything for too long.
You need to learn to speak what's on your mind, be who you wanna be, and do what you wanna do.

You know, K...
I believe that there's somebody out there who will understand you.
He or she won't judge you even you show him or her who you really are.

Speak it up, K!

Don't bury your fear, anger, and sadness.
Cause when you try to bury them over and over, you'll change into a time bomb that probably explode.
And if that happened, you couldn't avoid it.

Go find somebody to talk to, K...

You need to learn to trust somebody else.

It's okay to cry.
It's okay to be furious.
Cause everybody needs to express their own feelings.
And so do you.

You don't need to be afraid to show them your true color.

So say everything that you wanna say, be who you wanna be, and do what you wanna do.

They'll understand, K...

So you don't need to be fake anymore.

Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Hey, welcome to my new page.
Let's read and write, then! It's gona be fun!